The Fajar Trials

“The Fajar trial indicates how resentful and intolerant the reaction of British officials was towards anti-colonial ideas such as those entertained by the detainees. These ideas were freely expressed throrugh the pro-communist organ, the Malayan Orchid, produced by J.J Puthucheary, Ong Cheng Piaw and Yap Kon Puck.” ~ page 227 Political Development in Singapore, 1945-1955 By Yeo Kim Wah

Koh Tat Boon “The University of Singapore Socialist Club 1952-53”

[The Singapore Factory and Shop Workers’ Union (“SFSWU”)] functioned as a centralized organization controlling and directing thirty unions representing workers in diverse trades and industries. Control was obtained either through having better-educated cadres appointed to key posts of the affiliated unions or through appointing the unions’ leaders to the SFSWU twenty one-man Executive Committee led by General Secretary Lim Chin Siong. To facilitate control, the affiliates were grouped under four divisions, into which the colony had been divided. Each division was run by a committee headed by an Assistant General Secretary. The four Assistant General Secretaries in 1955, who were members of the Executive Committee were Fong Swee Suan, J.J. Puthucheary, C.V Devan Nair and S. Woodhull.”~ page 241 Political Development in Singapore, 1945-1955 By Yeo Kim Wah

JJ Puthucheary: ‘Is the English-Educated a reactionary Class?” Petir vol 3 no 4 December 1959

JJ Puthucheary:’The Growth and Development of the Trade Union Movement after the Election” Fajar no 25, 30.11.55

Middle school riots

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