James gave an interview to Australian journalist Peter Hastings. Mr. Hastings met James as well as Lim Chin Siong and made a record of his conversations with both for Mr. G.A. Jockel, the Australian Commissioner. Mr. Jockel passed these notes on to P.B.C. Moore, the Acting U.K Deputy High Commissioner.

I was once a Communist and I know Communists and I have read Marx very carefully. Lim [Chin Siong] is not a Communist. ……
He will not only be a big man in Singapore but will one day help to shape the destiny of all this part of Asia.
Malay must become the common language so that Malaysia can find some common national destiny. Lee Kuan Yew, my good friend although we are not talking to each other at the moment, does not represent either common or intellectual feeling on this.

Was he [Lee Kuan Yew] a Communist? “No more than Lim. Once I was a Communist and even tempted to become a party member. I did not. I always had reservations. Then came Hungary and I said to myself, personal freedom is precious.”

I do not see what Lee Kuan Yew can do. It will not take much more, I think for the PAP to split again. After all only a couple of votes keeps PAP in power.
… Barisan Socialis would work constitutionally when in power…